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Installing PHP-Lib-Extreme



If you have problems with installing or using the lib please read the FAQ before you contact us.

Installation manual

1. Download latest PHP-Lib-Xtreme release.
2. Decompress the release into a local folder.
3. Edit the " file. You have to set the ABSOLUT path to the PHP-Lib-Xtreme folder like the following sample:

   // Don`t insert additional slashes.
   $phplibex_folder = "/www/phplibex";

4. Upload the 'phplibex' folder to your server.
5. Make sure you have local write access to this folder. 6. If you want to use the lib, include it into your own source file.


After that you can generate any object out of the lib. e.g:

   $bbcode  = new bbcode( $string );
   $file    = new file();
   $fsocket = new fsocket();
   $gnereal = new general();
   $http    = new httpsocket( "" );
   $msg     = new msghandler();
   $mime    = new mimemail();
   $sql     = new mysql();
   $phpmail = new phpmailer();
   $pop     = new pop3();
   $smtp    = new smtpmailer( "" );
   $session = new session();
   $tpl     = new templateparser( "/www/htdocs" );

Generated on Fri Aug 26 08:13:54 2005 for PHP-Lib-Xtreme by  doxygen 1.4.3